Point of Sale Hardware and Software solutions

Point of Sale Hardware for sale in Nairobi Kenya

High-quality reliable point of sale hardware and software solutions for businesses in Kenya, We have a wide collection of top brands such as Epson, Bixolon, Micros, EPOS, and Much more. As wells as affordable/Free POS Softwareto enable you run your business with ease 

List  Of popular  POS System Hardware

Now that you’ve chosen a point of sale system for your business, what pos hardware do you need to run it properly?POS hardware essentials list include:
  • CPU or computer/iPad/tablet
  • cash drawer
  • customer display
  • barcode scanner
  • receipt printer
Let’s check out the breakdown of types of POS system hardware that you need to get to run your small retail or restaurant business.

Point of sale computer that runs the POS Software

Point of sale in Nairobi Kenya This is the biggest component of your POS or point of sale system. It basically the computer that runs your POS system software. It’s also known as a cash register or POS machine. You use this hardware to basically record sales transactions and print receipts. It is recommended that you Don’t use it for other reasons like surfing the Internet. This may open you to computer viruses, which may compromise your entire system. You should use your POS machine only to:
  • process sales transactions,
  • check sales reports,
  • as well as to manage stock, employees, and customer data.

All in one Point of sale Computer

All-in-one POS Computers are the central core of any POS System. Traditionally, they are PCs with integrated touchscreen monitors, creating a space-saving all-in-one design. Most are available with 15″ displays, as most POS software is designed for that size screen.Tdk Solutions Limited carries great POS Computers from top brands including POS-X, Micros, PosiFlex, and more. From thin clients with small screens to fully powered server stations, we have it all. All in one point of sale Nairobi Kenya

POS Touch Screen Monitor with Desktop

Touch screen monitors are an integral part of the restaurant, hospitality, medical, or service industry’s point of sale systems. Employees can touch a part of the touch screen in place of using a mouse, saving time and reducing clutter in the POS area. Touch monitors r are the 15 and 17-inch sizes.
Touch screen monitors for sale in Nairobi Kenya
These POS touch monitors are built to handle greater abuse than standard LCD displays, extending their lifespan even in abusive environments. Not all touch screen types are ideal for all situations so when purchasing a pos touch monitor be sure to pay attention to where and how it will be utilized.
Tablets and phones for Point of sale in Kenya
Point of sale Touch screen tablets and phones
Desktop Computer point of sale

POS Cash drawers

Cash Drawers for sale in Nairobi Kenya

Cash Drawers

All cash drawers include free lifetime support and fast, friendly, customer service. Shop from our extensive selection below or let us find the right drawer for your business. At Tdk we stock a wide variety of drawers, all designed with a specific use in mind. From low-use manual drawers to heavy-duty, high-security drawers, we have it all. For more information about which cash drawer is right for you, visit our buyer’s guide. A cash drawer is your treasure chest, which stores all your precious valuables – cash, coins, cheques, and even receipts if you want to. It helps organize and provide security for your valuables.

How does a cash drawer work?

Quite simple, really. – When you finish up a sales transaction, your receipt printer sends a signal to your cash drawer, triggering it to open, so you can store your money and give change. It’s important for you to keep your cash drawer locked after your shift closes. Only give your store manager access to the cash drawer key so that you limit access to the cash drawer to all your employees. This helps reduce the potential for in-house theft.